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Float zone technique

The floating zone technique is an innovative and crucible-free method employed in materials science and crystal growth. In this process, a feed rod's tip is exposed to intense heat generated by heating source (Halogen lamps/Induction RF coil/Resistive Heater) until it melts. The molten portion of the feed rod is then carefully brought into contact with a seed rod, positioned just below the feed rod. This controlled interaction initiates the growth of a crystal, resulting in a single crystal structure with remarkable purity and quality.

Key advantages of the floating zone technique include its ability to produce high-quality single crystals with minimal impurities. The absence of a crucible eliminates contamination risks, making it ideal for applications in semiconductor technology, superconductors, and various advanced materials. This method offers precise control over crystal growth and is a valuable tool for researchers and industries seeking to harness the benefits of single crystal structures for their specific applications.

  • Float zone system with optical hot zone
  • Float zone system with inductive hot zone
  • Float zone system with resistive hot zone


Product name Float zone system with optical hot zone Float zone system with inductive hot zone Float zone system with resistive hot zone
Translation (Top & Bottom) 400mm 400mm 400mm
transtation rate 00.01-150mm (Hr & Min) 00.01-150mm (Hr & Min) 00.01-150mm (Hr & Min)
Heater translation 200mm 200mm 200mm
transport.Mass 30kg 30kg 30kg
rotation speed 0.1 To 50RPM[Cw/Ccw] 0.1 To 50RPM[Cw/Ccw] 0.1 To 50RPM[Cw/Ccw]
panel & pc control yes yes yes
Vacuum operated yes yes NA
remote control yes yes yes
height adjustable moving plates yes yes yes
vibration tested yes yes yes
Vibration Level Very Minimal Level(0.015 to 0.08) g rms Very Minimal Level(0.015 to 0.08) g rms Very Minimal Level(0.015 to 0.08) g rms
Heater Optical heating system Inductive heating system Resistive heating system

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